Jumat, 13 April 2012

Tugas 11

continue Tugas 11

8 Apr 3. Jelaskan fungsi dari masing-masing tipe
4. Berika 10 contoh kalimat pengandaian beserta faktanya
answer :
Type 1
Fungsi : digunakan untk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yg akan terjadi diwaktu yang akan bila syarat tertentu
( IF + S + V1/Ves + O, S + WILL + V1 + O )
Ex. If Igraduatedfrom my college on time, Theywill giveme the jobIf heishere, Iwill behappy
Type 2
Fungsi : digunakan untk menyatakan peristiwa yang tak mungkin terjadikarena syarat tdk dpat dipenuhi (unlike condition)RUMUS ==
( IF + S + V2/Ved + O, S + Would + V1 + O )
Ex. If Iwonthe lottery, Iwould buythe houseIf shewerehere with me, Iwould bevery happyKet_gunakan ´wereµ kalo ga ada kata kerja., untk smua subjek. µwasµ tidakberlaku
Type 3
Fungsi : digunakan untk menyatakan keadaan yang seharusnya telah terjadi diwaktu lampau, namun tak terjadi karena syarat tak terpnuhi.RUMUS ==
( IF + S + Had V3 + O, S + Would have V3 + O
Ex. If uhad attendedmy party last night, uwould havemet your old friends.If shehad beenfine, Iwould not have been sad.
Example sentences
  1. If I got the money,would buy you the comic. Fact: Idon·t getthe money so Idon·t buy you the comic.
  2.  If my mother prepared the break fast, we would eat it. fact : Mother doesn’t preparethe breakfast so wedon·teat it.
  3. Father would pickme if I asked him. fact : Father doesn’t pickme because Idon·task him.
  4. If the teacher didn’t comewewouldbe happy. fact : The Teacher comes so wearen·tbe happy.
  5. The teacher would giveus the test if we were ready. fact : The teacherdoesn·t giveus the test because we aren’t ready.
  6. The boy wouldn’t playin the rain if his motherdidn·t permithimThe boyplaysin the rain because his Mother permitshim.
  7. If he had visited me, I would have been happyHedidn·t visitedme so I wasn·t happy.
  8. If they had not attendedthe meting, they wouldn’t have gotten the information.
  9. They attended the meting, they got the information.
  10. I would have beenlate if I hadn·t gotten up earlyIwasn·tlate because I got up early.
  11. If she had writtenthe letter, I would have replied it. fact : She didn·t writethe letter so I didn·t reply it
source : http://www.scribd.com/doc/38817068/if-clause

Tugas 11

Tugas 11

8 Apr

source :


Conditional sentences – type III


It is impossible to fulfil a condition which is given in the if-clause.


if clause main clause
Past Perfect would + have + past participle
could + have + past participle
might + have + past participle


If I had studied, I would have passed the exams.
If I had studied, I could have passed the exams.
If I had studied, I might have passed the exams.
The if-clause can be at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.
If I had studied, I would have passed the exams.
I would have passed the exams if I had studied.

Type 2


It is theoretically possible to fulfil a condition which is given in the if-clause.


if clause main clause
Simple Past would + infinitive
could + infinitive
might + infinitive


If I studied, I would pass the exams.
If I studied, I could pass the exams.
If I studied, I might pass the exams.
The if-clause can be at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.
If I studied, I would pass the exams.
I would pass the exams if I studied.

tugas 11.
1. ada berapa tipe if-clause
2. ada berapa tipe wish
Answer :

Type 1


It is possible to fulfil a condition which is given in the if-clause.


if clause main clause
Simple Present will-future
Modal + infinitive


If I study, I will pass the exams.
If you see John tonight, tell him to e-mail me.
If Ben gets up early, he can catch the bus.
The if-clause can be at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.
If I study, I will pass the exams.
I will pass the exams if I study

Tugas 10

Tugas 10.
1. Definisi conditional sentences
2. ada berapa bentuk conditional sentences
3. berikan contoh 10 kalimat yang menggunakan conditional sentences
Answer  :
In grammarconditional sentences are sentences discussing factual implications or hypothetical situations and their consequences. Languages use a variety of conditional constructions and verb forms (such as the conditional mood) to form such sentences.
Full conditional sentences contain two clauses: the condition or protasis, and the consequence or apodosis.
If it rains [condition], (then) the picnic will be cancelled [consequence].
Syntactically, the condition is the subordinate clause, and the consequence is the main clause. However, the properties of the entire sentence are primarily determined by the properties of the protasis (condition) (its tense and degree of factualness).

Conditional Sentence Type 1

→ It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Presentwill-Future
Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.

Conditional Sentence Type 2

→ It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple PastConditional I (= would + Infinitive)
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

Conditional Sentence Type 3

→ It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.
Form: if + Past PerfectConditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)
Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.

example 10 sentences :
  1. If it’s raining here now, then it was raining on the West Coast this morning.
  2. If it’s raining now, then your laundry is getting wet.
  3. If it’s raining now, there will be mushrooms to be picked next week.
  4. If it rains this afternoon, then yesterday’s weather forecast was wrong.
  5. If it rains this afternoon, your garden party is doomed.
  6. If it rains this afternoon, everybody will stay home.
  7. If I become President, I’ll lower taxes.
  8. If you’ll [you will] just hold the door open for me a moment, I can take this table out to the kitchen.
  9. If you will keep all the windows shut, of course you’ll get headaches.
  10. If you will excuse me, I think I will slip into something more comfortable.

Tugas 8

Definisi  Intransitive  Verb
Intransitive verbs adalah kata kerja atau verba yang tidak memerlukan objek langsung (no direct object). Dalam suatu kalimat, intransitive verbs bisa menjadi akhir kalimat tersebut. Jika tidak, adverbia atau frase preposisi akan menjadi akhir kalimat yang berfungsi menerangkan intransitive verbs.
Kategori Kata Kerja Intransitive

example of sentences :
  1. Emmy arrives from Bandung by train today
  2. They hurry go to school
  3. we walk together to see the film
  4. the cats stand on the roof
  5. I usually wake up at five o’clock every morning
  6. I always play with my cats every afternoon
  7. we want to make a group for discussion
  8. catherin seldom help her mother every morning
  9. Mike bring some flower for his girlfriend
  10. melissa always clean her hair twice a week
  11. father cook us a noodles with cheese


Definisi transitive verb ( Tugas 7 )
Verbs adalah kata kerja yang menunjukan nama perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh subyek, namun mungkin juga menunjukan keadaan. Contoh :
• Roy comes from Depok
• My brother studies in japan
• She is beautiful
Dalam bahasa inggris ada bermacam-macam verb (kata kerja), namun dalam bagian ini hanya akan membahas beberapa macam kata kerja yang pokok saja.

Kategori  Kata Kerja transitive verb
• Finite verb (ordinary verb) adalah kata kerja biasa yakni yang ditandai dengan ciri-ciri sebagai berikut :
a. Bila dipakai dalam kalimat Tanya dan negative perlu memakai kata kerja bantu do, does, atau did.
b. Bentuknya dapat berubah-ubah oleh tenses
c. Memiliki bentuk-bentuk : invinitive, present partticple, gerund, past tense, present tense, past participle.

• Auxiliary verbs (kata kerja bantu) adalah kata kerja yang digunakan bersama-sama dengan kata kerja lain untuk menyatakan tindakan atau keadaan, atau khususnya mempunyai fungsi grammatical.
• Linking verbs adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi menghubungkan antara subject dengan complementnya. Kata yang dihubungkan dengan subject tersebut dinamakan subject complement.
• Transitive verbs adalah kata kerja yang memerlukan object untuk menyempurnakan arti kalimat.
• Intransitive verbs adalah kata kerja yang tiidak memerlukan object, karena sudah dapat menunjukan arti yang sempurna

Berikan Contoh Kalimat Transitive
1.Roy comes from Depok
2. My brother studies in japan
3. She is beautiful
4.He bought a shirt.
5.She brushes her hair every hour.

6.Marina will lose the race.
7.They watch the film.
8.He is reading a magazine.

Kamis, 12 April 2012


berikan 10 contoh kalimat yang mengandung gerunds !
1.        Garrett likes writing Sci-fi novel
2.      being a nurse is her ambition
3.      reading a lot is a must for every student
4.      Jake avoids Rose's coming to the party
5.       Yves is clever at making new patterns of fashion
6.      An introduction of new product from abroad
7.       my favourite activity is watching american TV series
8.      the working condition is far from ideal
9.      Elena was angry at Damon trying to deceive her
10.   Kyuhyun's singing is very good
The Textbook of English Grammar by Drs.Slamet Riyanto,M.Pd.

Tugas 4

Deskripisikan Ciri-ciri dari Gerund :
1.       gerund as subject (kata benda sebagai seuyek/pokok kalimat).
2.      gerund as object of transitive verb (kata benda sebagai pelengkap dari kata kerja dasar).
3.      gerund as object of preposition (kata benda pelengkap dari kata depan).
4.      gerund after article (kata benda telah artikel/kata sandang).
5.       gerund after demonstrative (kata benda setelah kata ganti petunjuk).
6.      gerund after possessive adjective (kata benda setelah kata ganti kepunyaan).
7.       gerund after some verbs (kata benda setelah beberapa kata).
8.      gerund after some expression (kata benda setelah beberapa ungkapan).
o    contoh kalimat dari nomor 1 : swimming makes us to be health.
o    contoh kalimat dari nomor 2 : I want finishing my study at home.
o    contoh kalimat dari nomor 3 : he feels happy for coming his girlfriend.
o    contoh kalimat dari nomor 4 : the planning will be continued next month.
o    contoh kalimat dari nomor 5 : those playings attack to jury.
o    contoh kalimat dari nomor 6 : their crying make me to remember the last time.
o    contoh  kalimat dari nomor 7 : we enjoy eating in the cafe.
o    contoh kalimat dari nomor 8 : he is busy don’t be asked about it.
source :  Buku Complete English Grammar, oleh Sam. A. Susanto dan Mahfan, S,Pd, Penerbit Sandro Jaya Jakarta