kalimat langsung (DIRECT)adalah kalimat yang menirukan ucapan orang lain.dapat berupa kalimat perintah,berita atau kalimat Tanya
sentence is a sentence that directly quoting the words of command lain.dapat, news or interrogative sentence.
kalimat tidak langsung(INDIRECT) adalah Kalimat menyatakan isi ujaran orang ketiga tanpa mengulang kata-katanya secara
Cara merubah Kalimat tak langsung ke Kalimat langsung. Sentence stating the contents of a third person speech without repeating his words in
Indirect way of changing the sentence to the sentence immediately
Cara merubah Kalimat tak langsung ke Kalimat langsung. Sentence stating the contents of a third person speech without repeating his words in
Indirect way of changing the sentence to the sentence immediately
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